Friday, January 22, 2016

I would never want to be governed by Fidel Castro. But he should get credit where credit is due.  

Measure                       Cuba today     U.S.                 Latin America countries
with a better reading
Life Expectancy          77.7                 78.4                 Costa Rica                  
Infant Mortality          4.6                   5.8                   None
Adult Literacy            96.6%             92.6%              Costa Rica; Mexico

Sources:  UNESCO for Literacy; World Fact Book for the others. These results can differ by the organization compiling the data. But the differences are small. In general, by these measures, Cuba compares favorably with the U.S. and much better than the bulk of Latin America.

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Thursday, January 21, 2016

Did my Great Decisions Cuba-U.S. Presentation at St. Paul's Central H.S. this week. Had a small, but enthusiastic audience.

Monday, January 18, 2016

Coppelia is Havana’s popular ice cream parlor. It was started by in 1966, and served 26 flavors of ice cream in honor of Fidel’s 26th of July Revolutionary Movement.

Today, there are fewer flavors, and Coppelia illustrates two dilemmas facing Cuba. The first is what to do with its confusing dual currency system. Most shops in Cuba accept only the national currency, but so-called “dollar stores” accept the convertible peso that was created in the 1990s and pegged to the dollar. This was done in part to stimulate a tourist industry that would make up for the economic chaos that struck after the USSR collapsed and could no longer subsidize Cuba. The exchange ratio is about 25 national pesos for one convertible peso.

Coppelia accepts both the national peso and the convertible peso. But paying in convertible pesos gets you more flavors and shorter lines than paying in the national peso.

The currency discrepancies at Coppelia could be eliminated by scrapping the dual currency system and moving to a single currency. But the Economist magazine pointed out a dilemma in doing that. If the national peso were replaced by the convertible peso, the likely result would be rampant inflation. On the other hand, if the convertible peso were replaced by the national peso, it would devalue the savings of people who had built up a nest egg in convertible pesos. Either way, Cubans suffer.

I wanted to set a scene for my CROSSHAIRS ON CASTRO at Coppelia. But, alas, my novel is set in 1962 and Coppelia wasn’t built until four years later.

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Sunday, January 17, 2016

On Tuesday, I do my Great Decisions Cuba-U.S. presentation at Central H.S. in St. Paul. I haven't talked to a high school audience in years.  Decades, in fact.
Wish me luck!
Here's a link to the Great Decisions program, if you're curious.

Thursday, January 14, 2016

A New Wave of Migrants from Cuba?
Since 1966, any Cuban landing on U.S. shores gets immediate entry. There is a fear that this arrangement may soon disappear as a result of President Obama's opening relations with Cuba. As a consequence thousands of Cubans have fled to Ecuador and Central America in hopes of gaining transit from there to the U.S. In December, none other than Pope Francis called for an alleviation of the stranding of thousands inBalloons fly away as Pope Francis celebrates the Angelus prayer from his window overlooking St. Peter's Square at the Vatican, Sunday, Dec. 27, 2015. Central America.

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Travelling to Cuba?
It's been made a lot easier in the past few months, but it's still not like driving across the border at Niagara Falls to drive around Canada at your leisure.
Here's a couple of sites to help you sort it out.



Monday, January 11, 2016

Meyer Lansky's grandson, Gary Rapaport, may seek compensation for property that Lansky lost when he was forced out of Cuba by Fidel Castro in 1959. Gary should read CROSSHAIRS ON CASTRO to find out where Lansky stashed his jewels before he fled.

Sunday, January 10, 2016

I'm just getting started on this blog. It is a companion to my soon to be launched novel CROSSHAIRS ON CASTRO. There's been an explosion of interest in and hopes for Cuba in the past few years. We'll try to track some of these. But this blog is a work in progress, so stay tuned.